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Youth Resource Directory

Q1: Where to find help if you know or think you are pregnant—

Oakdale Prenatal and Women’s Health
(209) 848-4597

Healthy Birth Outcomes
(209) 558-7400

Prenatal Care Guidance Program
(209) 558-7400

AIM Insurance Program
(209) 558-7400 or (800) 300-1031

Free Pregnancy Testing
(209) 526-1734

Modesto Pregnancy Center
(209) 526-1734

Q2: Where to find help finding a doctor or paying for medical care—

Oakdale Community Health Care Center
(209) 848-4180

Oak Valley District Hospital
(209) 847-3011

Oakdale Prenatal & Women’s Health
(209) 848-4597

California Children’s Services
(209) 558-7515

Healthy Families Program
(800) 880-5305

Medi-Cal (209) 558-2777

Medi-Cal – to apply by phone
(800) 962-4468

Stan Works
TANF 558-2777

Immunizations Program
(209) 558-8666

SHADE Teen Clinic
(209) 558-7777

AIM Medical Insurance Program
(800) 443-2611

Healthy Cubs
209) 558-7515

Kaiser Child Health Plan
(800) 880-5305

Q3: Where to find help if your child is in crisis/needs counseling—

Bethany Christian Services
(800) 454-0454

Center for Human Services
(209) 526-1440

Child Protective Services, 24 hour numer
(800) 558-3665

Family Planning Education/Information
(209) 558-7400

Haven Women’s Center, 24 hour number
(209) 577-5980

Leaps and Bounds
(209) 558-4595

Mental Health Emergency Center
(209) 558-4600

Modesto Pregnancy Center
(209) 526-1734

Parents United
(209) 524-4858

Sierra Vista Children’s Center
(209) 523-4573

Children’s System of Care
(209) 558-7454

Family Service Agency
(209) 524-6371

Sierra Vista Children’s Center
(209) 523-4573

Q4: Where to find help if you or someone you know is suffering from an addiction—

Alcoholics Anonymous
(209) 572-2970

Central Intake and Referral
(888) 376-6246

First Step Program
(209) 541-2118

Smoker’s Helpline
(800) 662-8887

Q5: Where to find local food assistance or housing programs—

Community Housing and Shelter
(209) 527-0444

Food Stamps
(209) 558-2777

Housing Authority
(209) 557-2000

Hutton House
(209) 526-1629

Inter Faith Ministries
(209) 572-3117

Laura’s House
(209) 523-0393

Modesto Union Gospel Mission
(209) 529-8259

Redwood Family Center
(209) 550-7352

Salvation Army – Modesto
(209) 523-7577

Samaritan Foundation
(209) 668-4853

Share Program
(209) 578-0592

Q6: Where to find transportation—

(209) 521-1274

ROTA (Oakdale and Riverbank)
(209) 869-7444

START (Runabout/Dial-a-Ride/Medivan)
(800) 262-1516

Q7: Where to find childcare/preschool—

Child Care Resource and Referral
(209) 558-4050

Children’s Crisis Center (emergency child care)
(209) 577-4413

Head Start
(209) 525-4937

Infant/Toddler Development Center
(209) 575-2678

Salvation Army Child Development Center
(209) 342-5220

Q8: Where to find parenting classes/support groups—

Oak Valley Family Support Network
(209) 847-5121

Grandparents Raising Their Child’s Child
(209) 569-9191

(209) 577-2076

MOPs Mothers of Preschoolers
(209) 521-0181

Parents Resource Center
(209) 549-8193

Parents without Partners
(209) 526-1688

Q9: Where to find legal services—

Family law Facilitators
800 11th Street, Rm 206

Family Support/Child Custody
(209) 558-3000

Q10: Where to find After School Programs—

Oakdale Joint Unified School District
(209) 848-4884

Q11: Where to find help if you think you might have AIDS or a sexually transmitted disease—

National STD and AIDS Hotline
(800) 227-8922

Q12: Where to find help if you have been raped, sexually assaulted—

Haven Women's Center
(209) 577-5980