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Interquest Detection Canines

Oakdale Junior High and Oakdale High School use "Interquest" services to promote safe and drug free schools.

Oakdale Joint Unified School District actively works to maintain a safe educational environment for all students and staff. Any conduct which interferes with the instructional process cannot be tolerated, and any student who causes or takes part in a disturbance will be subject to disciplinary action. 

  • All students are accountable for their behavior.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to seek help from an adult on campus prior to a situation escalating. 
  • If you, as a student, are being bullied or harassed, tell friends, tell teachers, tell administrators, tell campus supervisors, tell parents. It won’t stop until the information is shared. TELL SOMEONE! 

OJUSD Bullying Policy

Student Conduct Code

Student Conduct Code K-6      

Student Conduct Code K-6 (Spanish)

Student Conduct Code 7-12

Student Conduct Code 7-12 (Spanish)


is defined as the “removal of a pupil from ongoing instruction for adjustment purposes”. The law requires immediate suspension for specific acts as outlined in this disciplinary code. (EC 48925), (48900). Parents are expected to further define what disciplinary action will take place at home while a student is suspended. It is recommended that such action include home service to the family such as specific chores or jobs, confinement to the home, suspension from all technology such as phone use, television and computers. Appropriate activities include school work and reading while at home for the duration of the suspension.


is the most serious disciplinary action that a school district imposes on a student. This removes the student from school district sites for a specific period of time usually up to a year. The administrator must refer students to the district governing board for expulsion under the mandatory suspension and expulsion guidelines. The final decision for expulsion can only be made through action by the school district governing board. Students who are expelled must attend school by law and will be referred to county programs. The number of violations occurring in one school year may determine the number of days of suspension, other possible alternative consequences, and expulsion.