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Frequently Asked Questions for Staff

Frequently Asked Questions for Staff

Please contact the Oakdale District office at (209) 848-4884 if you have further questions, or answers to your questions were not provided below.

Q1: How can I become a Substitute Teacher in Oakdale?

A1: You will need to be currently on the Stanislaus County Substitute Clearing House before applying in Oakdale. Any prospective substitute teachers in Oakdale, must an application via  If selected, a substitute hire packet will be emailed to the recommended applicant once the application is reviewed by HR.   Please allow up to two (4) weeks from date application is completed for processing time.


Q2: How do I become a Classified Substitute in Oakdale?

A2: Any prospective classified substitutes in Oakdale, must submit an application via  Please allow some time once the application is submitted for processing. If selected you will contacted by a Human Resource Specialist for further direction. Once HR provides a substitute packet you must provide driver’s license, social security card , TB Clearance and complete Livescan with the required packet. A money order, cash, or credit card in the amount of $32.00 is required for Department of Justice Livescan clearance.


Q3: How do I apply for an employment opportunity in Oakdale?

A3: If it is a certificated opening, all applications must be completed through

For all Classified openings, all applications must be completed through

If you are interested in a coaching position, please contact the Athletic Director at the school site for recommendation to receive an application packet.


Q4: What materials are required for a Certificated Application?

A4: A completed EdJoin application with the following attachments: Resume, Cover Letter/Letter of Interest, Minimum of three (3) Letters of Recommendation, Copy of Credential, Copy of CBEST, RICA, CSET, or any other testing materials, Copy of Transcripts, TB Test Results, Proof of CLAD or other approved English Language Authorization (if applicable). Please note that "Letters of Recommendation" and "Letters of Reference" are the same thing.

If you notice on Edjoin that there are documents requested that you do not have, please submit with what documents you do have.  Certificate Copy and Credential are interchangeable. You must have proof of TB and TB must be within the last four (4) months. 


Q5: What if I can’t scan my documents onto EdJoin?

A5: All materials will need to be submitted through EdJoin as an attachment to the application. If you are having difficulty scanning your documents, they can be scanned at your local copy center for a fee and provided to you on a flash drive. If you have other questions or problems regarding your attachments, please contact the Help Center on EdJoin.


Q6: Can I get a paper application for a Certificated Teacher position?

A6: Unfortunately, not at this time. We are only accepting applications through EdJoin.


Q7: What materials are required for a Classified Application?

A7: All materials need to be attached to the EdJoin application: Resume, Cover Letter/Letter of Interest, Minimum of two (2) Letters of Recommendation, Proof of High School Diploma, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Compliance by either proof of Associate of Arts Degree (AA) or completion of 48 college units, and TB Testing Results.


Q8: How do I apply if I am an Internal Candidate?

A8: For Certificated and Management positions, if it is a lateral position, please submit a letter of interest. If the position is for advancement, an application is required and an updated resume, letter of interest and letters of recommendation are required.

Classified Employees, must submit a Letter of Interest to Edjoin for any internal vacancy prior to the closing date for the position being applied.


Q9: How do I get a Verification of Experience completed by Oakdale?

A9: We no longer provide verbal verifications of employment. Please fax to 209-848-9546 or mail the verification to:

Oakdale Joint Unified School District
Attn: Human Resources
168 South 3rd Avenue
Oakdale, CA 95361

The Verification form must be signed by the employee/former employee in question authorizing to release the verification information.


Q10: What are the current salary schedules for Oakdale?

A10: The current salary schedules for Oakdale are posted under Employee Resources.


Q11: How many years of service credit can be brought in for a new teacher?

A11: Up to fourteen (14) fully-credentialed years of experience can be brought in for placement on the salary schedule.


Q12: How many years of service credit can be brought in for a new classified position?

A12: The maximum amount of years of outside service that will be granted, with verification of service, is three (3) years of service year credit to be placed no higher than Step 4 on the corresponding salary schedule.


Q13: What benefit options are provided by Oakdale?

A13: Classified New Hires have a District Benefit Cap of $8,292.00 annually for any employee who works six (6) hours or more per day. Those employees working four (4) hours or more but less than six (6) hours per day will have a prorated annual Benefit Cap. Those employees that work 6 hours, but less than 8 hours, per day may receive cash back with proof of medical, dental and vision coverage elsewhere.

Certificated New Hires have a district Benefit Cap of $6,458.00 annually for any employee or employee + 1 dependent or $7,210.00 annually for any employee + family.

Benefits cannot be cashed out.


Q14: How long after a position closes before I should be notified?

A14: Depending on the position, it will take approximately one (1) week to screen applicants for each vacancy. This process could take up to two (2) weeks depending on the number of applicants and extenuating circumstances. Each applicant will be notified either by mail or by telephone within the two-week window.


Q15: How long after I have interviewed for a vacancy before I should be notified?

A15: The process of completing background checks and making an offer can take up to a week. Once an offer is made, all remaining candidates will be notified by email within a two-week period.


Q16: What is Oakdale’s policy on eligible interns applying for certificated vacancies?

A16: Each vacancy posted via Edjoin will be listed when interns are eligible to apply. Our District Policy requires us to advertise the first two rounds seeking fully-credentialed candidates. The following postings will be listed as intern eligible. If an intern applies for a vacancy during the first two postings, they will automatically be screened out.


Q17: Where can I go for Livescan (fingerprinting) Services if this is requested by Oakdale?

A17: For Classified New Hires and or Substitutes, there are several different locations that you may obtain Livescan (fingerprinting) Services. A list of locations and the proper accompanying paperwork may be picked up at the District Office.


Q18: What if I am interested in seeing the job description for a current vacancy?

A18: All job descriptions are included as part of the position announcement. Job descriptions may be viewed online at as an attachment to the position announcement.


Q19: If I am a District Substitute (Certificated or Classified) when will I expect to get paid?

A19: District Substitutes are paid on the tenth (10th) of every month. Pay warrants can be picked up at the District Office or they will be mailed to your home address in the afternoon.


Q20: Does Oakdale support a Beginning Teacher Induction Program (BTSA)?

A20: Oakdale currently participates in BTSA and it is fully paid by the District in conjunction with the Stanislaus County Office of Education.


Q21: I have applied for a position recently and would like to be considered for an upcoming position, How can I get my application materials pulled to be considered?

A21: Classified applicants need to submit a letter to the Human Resources Department prior to the closing period requesting the application materials be pulled.

Certificated applicants must submit a new application and new attachments via EdJoin.


Q22: I have applied for a position in years past, how long is my application on file? Can it be pulled for a current opening?

A22: Classified applications are kept for a year if the applicant applied with a paper application and not through EdJoin.

Oakdale Joint Unified School District prefers each candidate provide all new materials for each posted vacancy.


Q23: Credentials

A23: You must have a valid credential issued by the State of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. A printout of the webpage from the CTC website listing the credential details including issuance date, expiration date, and document number must be provided to Oakdale. This is only required if you are currently an employee, recently hired as an employee or are a substitute teacher. If you do not have the credential from the Commission, but you do have a letter issued by your educational institution stating you have applied, this letter needs to be taken to the County and a Temporary County Certificate (TCC) will be issued.

All credential renewals need to be submitted through Applying online expedites the process and a valid credential can be received in approximately 21 days. If the application materials are mailed in, the process could take from 6-9 months before you are issued your credential.

Please Note:  The CTC no longer issued a mailed paper copy of your current credential upon issuance or renewal.  It is your responsibility to renew in a timely manner and provide a printed copy (not the printer friendly or emailed version) to the HR Department.


Q24: On what date will I be paid?

A24: Regular contract pay is paid on the last working day of the month. Substitutes and any extra duty pay is paid for the period of the 16th of any month thru the 15th of the following month and is paid on the 10th of the following month. If the 10th falls on a Saturday then it will be paid on Friday, if the 10th falls on a Sunday then it will be paid on Monday.


Q25: When will my paycheck and benefits begin?

A25: Benefits will begin the1st of the month following your initial payroll. If your hire date is prior to the 15th of the month you will receive your first check that month. If your hire date is after the 15th of the month you will not receive a check until the following month.