Closure for Close Reading
Student Generated Post-It Quiz
Works well with the Post-It Annotations Close Reading method. The students use questions they have written on Post-its to quiz one another, the teacher can collect Post-It notes and read some well-done ones to the class for either a written or oral response, or non-volunteer students can popcorn questions they have written on Post-its to other students in the class. This portion of the lesson can be customized in many different ways.
White Board Review
Teacher asks text dependent questions. Students write response (can be limited to three words, a sentence, a word, etc.) on boards. Have students show on command, call on a few students who are correct to share.
10-Word Exit Ticket
Teacher asks students to summarize key ideas in a sentence that is ten words or less. Could also be ten key words or a combination of words/phrases that summarize the lesson. This can be customized by teacher. Teacher collects this as students leave and is able to assess student understanding.