Kindergarten Writing Samples
Writing in Kindergarten
Children enter Kindergarten with a variety of different skills. In the beginning of the year, students focus on identifying letters and letter sounds, as well as recognizing sight words. At the end of the second trimester, students are expected to use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to communicate ideas and information effectively. They are also expected to write both upper- and lower-case letters. In the beginning of the third trimester, students are expected to begin using capitalization, punctuation, and correct spelling. With guidance, students are supposed to add details to strengthen their writing.
The following independent writing samples are from the beginning of the third trimester (about the beginning of February). At this point in the year, some students can write independently, while others need more guidance and prompting.
Kindergarten Writing Sample 5a
Kindergarten Writing Sample 5b
The following independent writing samples are from the end of third trimester (about the beginning of May). At this point in the year, more students can write independently, while others still need more guidance and prompting.
Kindergarten End-of-Year Sample 1
Kindergarten End-of-Year Sample 2
Kindergarten End-of-Year Sample 3
Kindergarten End-of-Year Sample 4