Information for Employees
Employee Self Service is available to access your Paystubs, W-2 forms, 1095-C, etc.
Website: ESS Webpage
Instructions: ESS Registration - First Time User OJUSD.pdf (PDF)
Payroll Timelines
- Payroll for contracted employees is the last business day of the month.
- All payroll changes (i.e. address, tax status, changes in benefits) must be received by the 1st of the month to become effective for the end of month payroll.
- Payroll for substitutes, stipends and extra duty is the 10th of the month.
- Payroll vouchers, address and tax status changes are due to payroll by the 16th of the month to be implemented on the following 10th of the months’ payroll.
Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014 (AB1522) Sick Leave Policy for substitutes.
Health Benefit Information
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act-PPACA (aka Affordable Health Care Act)
For any changes in existing health benefit selections, please contact Payroll. For all other health benefit inquiries, please contact Personnel.
Payroll must be notified of any changes in status within 31 days. This includes marriages, births, adoptions, divorces, college status changes, and children aging out of benefit coverage.
California's Valued Trust requires that premiums be effective for the birth of a child the month following the child’s birth. Payroll premiums are paid out of the current months check for the following months’ coverage; this means that when you add your child to your health benefit you will be charged the back premiums.
Medical, dental, and vision open enrollment changes for all employees are due by the Friday of the third week of August to become effective October 1st.
Retirement/Cobra Information
For questions regarding retirement and cobra benefits, please contact Personnel, ext. 109 for certificated and ext. 108 for classified employees.
Quick Links
Did you know you could donate to a charity through Payroll? Click on the links below for more information.
Payroll Forms
Substitute Teacher Time Sheet.pdf
Substitute Teacher Timesheet (Informed K12)
Payroll Voucher 10.22.pdf (PDF)
Certificated Payroll Voucher (Informed K12)
Classified Payroll Voucher (Informed K12)
ELP Payroll Voucher (Informed K12)
Pension Resources
2024-25 Rates: Certificated, Classified, Management/Confidential, Board of Trustees
2024-25 Matrix: CVT PPO Plans, CVT Kaiser, PPO Wellness HDHP Bronze
2024-25 Retiree Rates: Certificated, Classified, Management/Confidential, Board of Trustees
DENTAL AND VISION INFORMATION for Certificated/Management/Confidential
2024-25 Rates: Dental & Vision