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Board Responsibilities

As the policy making body for the school district, the Board of Trustees is charged with providing a quality public education program for the residents of Oakdale Joint Unified School District in accordance with the California Constitution, State Education Code, other state and federal laws, adopted Board policies, and the desires of the community.

As elected officials, Board members are state officers responsible for the governance of the school district, which is considered a subdivision of the state. Oakdale Joint Unified School District is independent of the government bodies of the City of Oakdale or Stanislaus County, but cooperates with them.

Beyond the establishment of school district policies, the Board is responsible for adoption of the annual budget and approval of all expenditures; employment of personnel; approval of curriculum, textbooks and courses of study; and decision making relative to the purchase, planning and construction of all school district property.

Board members have no power to act individually in the name of the entire Board. Action can only be taken when a majority of the Board is in formal session.